# Timeline
| Time | Events |
| -------- | -------- |
|*19.01 08:35* | Proposal **test8** for 42 tCRW starting block 57750 is submitted by Volodymyr |
| *19.01 08:35* | Block **57664** is mined. It includes 25 tCRW fee for **test8** submission |
| *19.01 08:44*|Proposal **test8** receives 2 votes|
| *19.01 09:39*|Final budget A is submitted by one of vshamray's nodes. The only proposal it includes is **test8**|
| *19.01 09:39* | Block **57721** is mined. It includes 25 tCRW as final budget submission fee |
| *19.01 09:55* | Final budget A receives 3 votes from masternodes|
| *???* | Proposal ??? for 50 tCRW (payed to address **mr59c3aniaN3qHXej5L8UBsssRZbiUUMnz**) is submitted by someone (defunctec?) |
| *???* | Another final budget ??? is supposedly submitted (by whom? what is FeeTX?) According to indirect evidence it contains proposal **???** and doesn't contain **test8**|
|*19.01 10:25*|Block **57749** is mined. Mining stops until late in the evening|
|*19.01 19:23*|Block **57750(A)** is mined. It contains 42 tCRW payment by proposal **test8** (final budget A)|
|*19.01 19:24*| Block **57750(A)** reaches Volodymyr's masternodes. Both nodes reject it as it doesn't contain payment to **mr59c3aniaN3qHXej5L8UBsssRZbiUUMnz**|
|*19.01 19:27*|Masternodes keep rejecting the block, so does (apparently) testnet explorer |
|*20.01 10:24* | Block **57750(B)** is mined (how? by which node?). It contains 50 tCRW payment to **mr59c3aniaN3qHXej5L8UBsssRZbiUUMnz** and does not contain payment by **test8** proposal|
| *22.01*| Neither of Volodymyr's masternodes has any record of proposal ??? or a final budget containing that proposal. The consensus on budget seems to be at final budget A, yet the blockchain is on chain **B**|
## Hash reference
| Object | Hash |
| -------- | -------- |
|block 57664 |00000000055297a028ed7f74f05de37e49d6f5e3b56a1f5744a1daaec7828737|
|block 57721 |000000001453978d77294ebadf1cbb1d4fc7174059e9407072a671e7e9684bdc|
|block 57749 |00000000112defd05ff138031ff5bff7a4967118c6acdb1d03541d356ef58804|
|block 57750(A) |00000000ff4cc3d7506c5b48ab3aca7aea2da0e1876494187dd99b6f9090f8ef|
|block 57750(B) |000000002856e18e100e7c56d5486fcbd537a4a87da2e5b393409d046393c9c0|
|test8 |560297e695d6615ca5f1c861d1c91b0b04be9c76fa9404300fa6689037eb692b|
|Final Budget A |1f2995bdd6597a4fc5ba9f5a4813d14174733c512369c4adf0d2821a215a8526|