# Description of the issue
Electrumx has one critical issue(https://github.com/kyuupichan/electrumx/issues/185), when servers started to get desynchronized with Crown chain after about a month of work and Electrum Crown wallet start to show that server is lagging
Please note that on this problem is currently working Electrumx creator, so I will import changes after the final fix is done.
But for now we need to maintain servers as soon as the problem occurs.
# Identification of issue
To be sure that you have the same problem as described in the issue above do the following steps:
1. Type the following command to show server logs
journalctl -u electrumx.service --no-pager -n 100
where `electrumx.service` is the service name and it can be different for your case
2. You will see the following lines in the logs:
electrumx_server.py[1755]: flush_id = pack('>H', self.flush_count)
electrumx_server.py[1755]: struct.error: 'H' format requires 0 <= number <= 65535
# How to fix
The following actions is needed to bring servers into the working state
1. Download the python script from electrumx repo`(only python3.6 version is supported)`:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Crowndev/electrumx/crown/compact_history.py
2. Adapt it according to your configuration:
# Configure it for your case, the value should be the same as set in /etc/electrumx.conf
environ['DB_DIRECTORY'] = '/db'
As marked in comment the value of DB_DIRECTORY should be taken from electrumx config file, which is mainly located in /etc/electrumx.conf
3. Stop the electrumx server before running the script
systemctl stop electrumx.service
where `electrumx.service` is the service name
4. Run the script
python compact_history.py
wait untill the script is finished, it may take long(up to 6 hour, depends on hardware capability)
5. Rerun electrumx server
systemctl restart electrumx.service
6. Wait a minute and test that error lines are disappeared from the server log.
journalctl -u electrumx.service --no-pager -n 100