**Crown Platform Test Charter**
**Version 0.1**
Chris Kibble
**Document History**** , Approval & Contributors**
## 1.1. Revision History
| **Version** | **Revised By** | **Date** | **Status** | **Release Notes** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 0.1 | Chris Kibble | 18/01/2018 | Creation | |
## 1.2. Internal review
| **Role** | **Name** |
| --- | --- |
| | |
| | |
| | |
## 1.3. Document Approval
| **Role** | **Name** | **Signature** | **Date** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
## 1.4. Document Contributors
The following people contributed to the production of this document:
| **Role** | **Name** |
| --- | --- |
| Test Manager | Chris Kibble |
| | |
# 2. Glossary
| **Abbreviation** | **Full Description** |
| --- | --- |
| CRW | Crown Platform |
**Test Charter**
**Date / Start Time:**
**Known Defects:**
**Data files:**
**Test Notes:**
**Issues Found:**
**Low Priority Issues Occurred:**
**Test Charter - Explained**
**Charter: ** _Multisig with a Windows Wallet_
**Areas:** _Create a Multisig, Send a Transaction and Receive via Multisig_
**Tester:** _defunctec_
**Date / Start Time and Build:** _20/01/2018 3pm –
**Known Defects:** _None_
**Duration:** _20 Minutes_
**Data files:** _N/A_
**Test Notes:** _The information here will detail what actions you performed to test the latest change. If you're going through a flow, keep a log of all of your inputs and results. If you're trying different buttons and their functions then make a table to test the functions and log the results of the button functions._
**Opportunity:** _This section follows the same format as the preceding 'Test Notes' section, but covers what unexpected opportunities were__taken during the exploratory test i.e. When I opened a new popup there were 3 options to add, edit or remove so I tested all 3_
**Issues Found:** _What bugs were found during the exploratory test. The format is a sentence bug name, followed by a section titled: "Steps to Reproduce," then bulleted steps, a "Expected Results:" section then an "Actual Results" section. Each bug should be numbered._
_Steps to reproduce:_
_Expected Result:_
_Actual Result:_
**Low Priority Issues Occurred:** _Any issues you found whilst running through your testing. Each numbered issue should be described in one or more sentences._
[Crown_Platform_Test_Charter_DEFAULT.xlsx](/uploads/c516bfb0c9edb4a013c4873881487675/Crown_Platform_Test_Charter_DEFAULT.xlsx) |
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