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Core of the Crown blockchain platform
Electrum; Bitcoin thin client
The Crown Node Manager is a visualisation and control tool for a Crown node/wallet. The Crown Platform Monitor implements a subset of the Crown Node Manager functionality to provide a visualisation and Crown blockchain monitoring tool.
Core of Crown blockchain platform
Commit code that might be necessary in here please.
A bitcoin blockchain explorer and API
Interface to the bitcoin P2P network for bitcore
Bitcoin Message Verification and Signing for Bitcore
Core of the Crown blockchain platform
Core of Crown blockchain platform
🔒 TREZOR Core -
Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
Crown Paper Wallet Generator with BIP38 Encryption/Decryption
Core of Crown blockchain platform
A multisig, HD Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallet service. Used by Copay.
Copay is a secure Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices.
CIP stands for Crown Improvement Proposal. Similar to Bitcoin's BIPs, a CIP is a design document providing information to the Crown community, or describing a new feature for Crown or its processes or environment.
Core of Crown blockchain platform
Core of Crown blockchain platform