Unverified Commit a6527877 authored by Wladimir J. van der Laan's avatar Wladimir J. van der Laan
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Merge pull request #4314

b3c912d9 [Qt] Change Coin control labels and tooltips because of non-rounding fees (Cozz Lovan)
parents 17db9767 b3c912d9
Showing with 18 additions and 1 deletion
+18 -1
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog* dialog)
sPriorityLabel = CoinControlDialog::getPriorityLabel(dPriority);
// Fee
int64_t nFee = payTxFee.GetFee(nBytes);
int64_t nFee = payTxFee.GetFee(max((unsigned int)1000, nBytes));
// Min Fee
int64_t nMinFee = GetMinFee(txDummy, nBytes, AllowFree(dPriority), GMF_SEND);
......@@ -582,6 +582,13 @@ void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog* dialog)
l6->setText(sPriorityLabel); // Priority
l7->setText(fDust ? tr("yes") : tr("no")); // Dust
l8->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nChange)); // Change
if (nPayFee > 0)
l3->setText("~" + l3->text());
l4->setText("~" + l4->text());
if (nChange > 0)
l8->setText("~" + l8->text());
// turn labels "red"
l5->setStyleSheet((nBytes >= 1000) ? "color:red;" : ""); // Bytes >= 1000
......@@ -599,12 +606,22 @@ void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog* dialog)
QString toolTip3 = tr("This label turns red, if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, CTransaction::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(546)));
// how many satoshis the estimated fee can vary per byte we guess wrong
double dFeeVary = (double)std::max(CTransaction::minTxFee.GetFeePerK(), payTxFee.GetFeePerK()) / 1000;
QString toolTip4 = tr("Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.").arg(dFeeVary);
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlFeeText") ->setToolTip(l3->toolTip());
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAfterFeeText") ->setToolTip(l4->toolTip());
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlBytesText") ->setToolTip(l5->toolTip());
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlPriorityText") ->setToolTip(l6->toolTip());
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutputText")->setToolTip(l7->toolTip());
dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChangeText") ->setToolTip(l8->toolTip());
// Insufficient funds
QLabel *label = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlInsuffFunds");
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