Commit 6e62f127 authored by Extrememist's avatar Extrememist Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #59 from fell0w/UpdateScript

Update script
parents 15ab14da c8ddccf0
Showing with 31 additions and 0 deletions
+31 -0
echo "Updating Tron..."
# install requirement 'jq'
sudo apt-get install jq
crown-cli stop
RELEASE=$(curl -s '' | jq -r '.assets | .[] | select(.name=="crown-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz") | .browser_download_url')
curl -sSL $RELEASE -o crown.tgz
tar xzf crown.tgz --no-anchored crownd crown-cli --transform='s/.*\///'
# use strip if installed
if hash strip 2>/dev/null; then
strip crownd crown-cli
sudo mv crownd crown-cli /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf crown*
echo "Update finished"
echo "Waiting for crownd to start up..."
sleep 15
VERSION=$(crown-cli getinfo | jq '.version')
PROTOCOL_VERSION=$(crown-cli getinfo | jq '.protocolversion')
WALLET_VERSION=$(crown-cli getinfo | jq '.walletversion')
ERRORS=$(crown-cli getinfo | jq '.errors')
if [ "$VERSION" = '""' ] || [ "$VERSION" = "null" ] || [ "$PROTOCOL_VERSION" = '""' ] || [ "$PROTOCOL_VERSION" = "null" ] || [ "$WALLET_VERSION" = '""' ] || [ "$WALLET_VERSION" = "null" ] || [ "$ERRORS" != '""' ]; then
echo "An error has occured. Please run 'crown-cli getinfo' and check if the service is running."
echo "If you encounter any problems, join us at for support"
echo "crownd is up and running!"
echo "version: $VERSION"
echo "protocolversion: $PROTOCOL_VERSION"
echo "walletversion: $WALLET_VERSION"
\ No newline at end of file
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